Quote Originally Posted by Beach Bunny
Wes, Wes, Wes.

You STILL don't get it, do you?

Whether I am the same as BG is completely IRRELEVANT, as neither I nor he (that I can see), has ever said anything negative about George -- especially related to the type of predicament in which he now finds himself.

Never, Wes. N-E-V-E-R. Not me, not BG.

Please take a moment to reflect...pray to your baby Jesus for some lucidity, perhaps...I am sure even you will begin to understand.

PS: these arrest stories seem to pop up frequently here. Interestingly, though, not once -- NOT ONCE -- have I seen a response that shows any concern for the victims. Typically, all I see is conjecture about set-ups, misunderstandings, and other kind of persecution on the part of the alleged (and yes, they are alleged until convicted) perpetrators. It shows me where your mind is located, Wes, and it isn't pretty -- particularly in view of your claimed concern for children.
.In the past I as much and more than anyone condemned such action by anyone, I found Sunee not to be the hell hole I had been told it was for kids. I fouled a man that seemed to care about them as much as I and although I was aware of his possible proclivity overlooked all that and tried to see the man. I am not sure you can separate the actions of a man from his care and love for Children.

I personally have made sure all kids I work with are taken care of by independent people in short I just sign papers and find support. In past arguments in this area I have sided with Bg more than disagreed. Likely I was more concerned than he was in many cases. As stated the truth is Georges arrest hit me hard. The inner conflict of my friendship for him and the possible wrong he has done has left me a bit shaken. I like the rest had my suspicions but I had no proof thus I accepted him as he was. I am caught between my love for a friend and my conscience of how I have felt for many years about abuse of kids in any way. So I am pulled between to opposing feelings. My love and care for the man and the conscience I have about kids. My overwhelming desire is to protect the kid. While at the same time my loyalty to George is paramount as a friend.

I have met many men who have done wrong but nevertheless I did not put on the Hollier than thou robes and simply leave the man, Although it brings conflict for who he was and is. So, yes you have a point I am shaken to the bone but not in the place that I can judge , As Obama says" it is above my pay grade", So, I can only hope that he will be exonerated. Until he is proven guilty, I will stand by him. The rest I will hopefully have time to work out inwardly as to how I feel. So, in partial thought you are right; I find myself in the middle of a paradox of thought. I cannot condone while at the same time I cannot abandon a friend. If you never knew him then you can look at it objectively, for me it is not so simple. I wish it were.
