I have a Thai friend who is a real foodie.
It is his dream to become a chef and he has just finished university.
I am hoping to help him now pursue his real dream.
I think if he were to become a certified Thai chef that his chances of getting a visa and job in other countries would be greatly enhanced. It is also the work he truly wants. He is already an excellent cook, but courses leading to a certificate are needed.
I first suggested the course at the Oriental Hotel, but he contacted them and they said they take no one over 25! He is 30.
Do any of you know of a good school for training aspiring chefs in Thai cuisine? I am not too concerned about the cost.
He is an incredible young man I met when he helped me at a time when I was violently ill. He is not, and never was, a money boy. He was an orphan who had not been able to finish high school but had a decent job. I encouraged him to go back to school and graduate, then helped him to go on to university. He got confirmation that he had passed his last course two days ago and was overjoyed. He continued to keep a job throughout his studies and never asked me for money.
He would change the topic any time he thought I was thinking of it. He always said it was more important for me to take care of myself and not worry about him. I sent money every couple of months and would get reprimanded for it, but of course, he did need it. If he didn't, then he deserved it for working so hard and for all he taught me about being a good person.
He keeps telling me to never mind, that he will save enough money to take the chef courses himself, but I know that will take years. I am so proud of what he has done already, that I want very much to help him realize his true dream.
With a certificate in Thai cuisine, I think the world will open up to him. His real dream is European cuisine, but that can come after he gets the opportunity to work outside Thailand and make some money.
I promised years ago that I would help him to enjoy a better life and am not worried about the expense. Whatever it costs is dwarfed by what he has given me.
I hope someone on this board knows of some chef training options. I have found one school, Wandee, on the internet, but am hopeful someone here has personal knowledge or can steer me down the right path to more information.
Thank you.