I am in BKK at the moment and have been checking out the bar scene, First night I went to Future Boys, as it has had some favourable comments here. It was very disappointing. There were 3 boys wanking behind a glass screen - very impressive appendages! - but the gogo boys weren't much to look at. One boy came and sat beside me. He told me he was Malaysian and a muslim. "I cut, so very clean. Not like Thai boy." Then he told me how he did not like Asians but had the hots for farang because "you have nice heart." He then told me "Pom rak khun." All in the space of one minute.
I left in a hurry.
I went to the show at Boys Bangkok - not bad, but nothing special. Kind of seen it all before. I left and wandered down to Solid. Some very unattractive boys, but one handsome boy caught my eye and I left with him.
Next night I went back to Soi Twighlight. The touts there are really over the top, now actually grabbing you by the arm and trying to drag you inside. I decided I would just give that all a miss and went to Nature Boy. As usual, I was immediately surrounded by boys, cocks out and wanking furiously. I asked a boy if I could chuck wow him behind the stage but the mama san, who is incredibly pushy, told me I had to take him back to my hotel. All the time I was there he was on to me to buy the boys a drink, even though I said I would tip them all later. I didn't find the boys especially attractive, but one boy there was ok - you may know which one I'm talking about - both his cock and teeth need straightening. He was there when I visited this time last year. I tipped the boys 200 baht each and left.
I then walked back to Solid to look for the guy I met the first night, but the mamasan told me he was "with a friend but maybe he be back later." By now it was nearly 1:00am. I walked out of Solid and was accosted by a guy from Nice Boys in the alley next to Solid. "Bar close 2:00 am, no problem." I must have been desperate because I said ok and proceeded upstairs. It was a vision of hell - filthy seats, ugly boys, very dark. Two boys rushed over and the mamasan brought me my drink and then procedded to hassle me about offing a boy. When I said I was not intending to off anyone, suddenly I was told the bar was closed and they literally forced my beer down my throat and hassled me out. AYOR!!
I headed off to Screwboys - always a reliable retreat late at night. There were some very attractive guys there and the night ended on a happy note.
Yesterday afternoon I found myself wandering into the Golden Cock. The only attraction there is the cheap beer, as the boys do not have much to offer. They basically ignored me and were just sitting and chatting together. I wandered down Suriwong Street and was approached by a rather nice looking guy. I must have had "horny farang" written all over my face. Times are obviously tough here as he only asked for 500 baht. Later in the evening I headed for a little place down near Nature Boys on the opposite side of the road, There are always lots of boys waiting outside. I thought it was a bar but it seems to be a massage place. I went inside and the owner had all the boys come in and sit opposite me so I could choose. It was kind of dark but I spotted a very nice looking guy and so called him over. He was, I must say, absolutely STUNNINGLY handsome. There was a problem, though. In the light, he appeared to be no more than 15 or 16. I asked to see his ID card, and, surprise surprise "I no have now - lend to friend me." The owner came over and told me he had lots of boys, "some very young. You like 15 year old boy, we have. We open till 4:00 am because I know police here. No problem." With that, I made a very hasty retreat. The boy's face still haunts me - he belonged on the cover of a teenage magazine, not working in some sleazy massage joint. Sad, really.
I then decided to take in the show at Jupiter 2002. Now that bar has some incredibly handsome guys - cockstars, all of them. But the show was very disappointing as there was hardly a cock to be seen. The only time was when 5 guys did a naked dance. It is the only bar I have been to where the gogo boys on stage are more interesting than the show. They wear all types of clothing, not just jocks and appear on stage in interesting ways. I headed back to Solid to look for the guy I met on the first night, but it had already closed even though it was not yet 1:00 am. My last port of call was trusty old Screwboys where I met up with a wonderful Lao boy who really did show me a good time.
The boys all seem happy with 1000 baht short time which seems cheap compared to previous years. No doubt a result of the economic downturn. I wonder what they are asking for in Pattaya these days. If you know, please tell me as I will be heading there on Friday.
All in all, plus ca change, plus ca reste la meme chose in Bangkok. Still, a lot of fun to be had without breaking the bank.