There are a couple of members that criticise cut and paste of matters on other than where can you get cheap sex, and so on. This was published in a major news outlet in Australia and I believe it is significant

This item from breaking news is important. I make no apology for cut and paste. This relates to the operation of non Thai police groups working in LOS

Sydney men face Thai sex tourism charges
Katelyn John and Adam Bennett
March 20, 2009 - 0800GMT

A Sydney man accused of being part of an international child sex tourism ring has faced court charged with sex offences against a Thai teenager.

David Anthony Hudson, 40, from Russell Lea, is one of three men charged with alleged child sex offences uncovered during a joint operation involving Thai, Australian and British authorities.

Hudson and a 23-year-old Eastwood man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were arrested by Australian Federal Police (AFP) after raids on their Sydney homes on Thursday.

The third man, a 68-year-old Australian living in Thailand, was arrested by Royal Thai Police the same day.

All three face charges of child sex, child sex tourism and child pornography.

The Eastwood man was already on bail for similar charges involving a family member when he was arrested on Thursday.

As a result, he faces an additional charge of breaching his bail by allegedly communicating with a person under the age of 16.

Thai authorities have also laid charges, while Britain's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre assisted in the operation, the AFP said.

Hudson appeared in Sydney's Central Local Court on two counts of committing an act of indecency last year on a 14-year-old in Pattaya, Thailand, and one count of possessing child pornography.

Dressed in a yellow T-shirt and wearing a cast on his wrist, Hudson waited hours for his lawyer to arrive before applying for the matter to put over until June 3.

The Eastwood man faced the same court charged with three counts of disseminating/producing child pornography, using a carriage service to transmit child porn and possessing child porn.

He is due to reappear in the same court on Tuesday.

The arrests highlighted the global response required to stamp out child abuse and child sex tourism, AFP Sydney office Commander David Stewart said.

"We will continue to relentlessly pursue those individuals who choose to abuse children, who are the most vulnerable in our communities," Mr Stewart said in a statement.

"The AFP will not tolerate any form of child abuse in Australia or anywhere in the world and will continue to work with local and overseas counterparts to arrest those behind child exploitation."

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