As I'm being comparative, I think this is acceptable in the Thailand forum.
Populations about the same but that's about all that's the same. Pattaya offers an ocean of choice as regards gay venues, Siem Reap only Hobsen's ie The Linga Bar. The other gay venue Blue Chilli 2 has reverted to being a trendy straight bar called Miss Wong. Well worth a visit though as the new management was wise enough to retain the 2 friendly barmen.
As gay bars go the Linga bar is very good; nice decor, funky music, soft furnishings, draught beer and a vast range of cocktails at about 4.50$. What's surprising about the bar is the handsome staff. Surprising because compared to Thailand handsome boys in Cambodia are as rare as Mowhawks on the banks of the Hudson. You know how you can find heart-stopping beauties in every motor bike repair shop, every food station, every car wash shed in Pattaya? Well you can walk all day around Siem Reap and not see even one. (I know beauty is a subjective thing but I know my subject)
BUT not so in the Linga Bar. The owner has obviously searched the highways, villages and rice fields for all the available handsome boys in Cambodia. They're decked out in sleeveless jerkins and are very good at what they do-in the bar at any rate.
The bar also has casual boys who will chat you up. But unlike Pattaya boys they're not happy with having phone credit, a few baht and a party to go to. No, they want a whole new future, abroad if possible, extra english lessons, their own business etc and they want you to be a big part of it. And they have a way of making you feel guilty if you hesitate, even during the first 30 minutes of your meeting them. Pattaya boys have no real ambition, Siem Reap boys have far too much for their own good and happiness.
I've never taken off a Siem Reap boy because I've a feeling it would turn out to be one long battle of wits- with my being screwed ...and not literally.
I would love someone out there to convince me that my fears are unfounded.
If you find yourself in Siem Reap view the ruins and do play around and let me know what you think.