Why is it that I find certain things infuriating? These aren't generally things which affect my life, but make me either fume, dispair or wish ill things to happen and I can't stop myself.

Paris Hilton for instance (and the genral rise of the blonde bimbo) - how the hell can anyone find her interesting, funny or indeed attractive. She just makes me grind my teeth.

Jordan and Peter Andre - for people not from the uk these talentless c list (is there a list any lower than c because they would be on it) celebs make me clench my fists. Jordans fame comes from her having big tits and sleeping with other more talented (but brain dead) celebs and Andre's fame rests on a dodgy and short lived pop career and an apppearance on a celeb reality show.

Seinfeld - who the hell decided that this show was the greatest comedy of all time. Infact, who finds this lame pile of shyte funny at all. I still find myself wondering how Seinfeld managed to best shows like Cheers, Frazier, Ellen, Mash, Third Rock or even Friends (I won't mention the great UK comedy shows).

Jens Lehman (Arsenal & German goalkeeper) & Alan Shearer (Newcastle Footballer) - Jens Lehman is a big cry baby and tries to get other players sent off whilst Alan Shearer bemoans the fact that other players have used the elbow on him, when he is possibly the worst offender for this.

Using a public toilet only to find that there is no toilet paper left.

People who stop dead in the their tracks right in front of you or who stand on a walkway or pavement chatting away with friends and blocking anyone else from passing them.

People who sit in coffee shops and put their mobile on speaker phone.

Shop assistants or reception stafff who make you wait whilst they take a telephone call.

People (Breeders) who take babies to the movies and then get annoyed when you tell them to keep their bawling offspring quiet. Or, people who like to chat through an entire film.

People who wake you up to tell you that you are snoring and can you stop.

Ok, I guess me writing all this is kinda annoying and yes, I do need to get a life!