"I can announce that the jomtium Beach Road you know today, will be no longer be the unkept fishing village style resort, you once knew, as Developers from UK< USA, Dubai to Australia and Hong Kong, are now eyeing it up, to turn Jomtium into a Luxury Classy 5 Star Miami Dubai, Sky Scraper Resort, you will not believe"

With developments like La Royale, The Sails, Northshore, Northpoint, and now Majestic Tower all under construction, Pattaya is poised to join the big leagues.

I find this to be a very interesting issue because there are so many things involved here. First of all why Pattaya? What is the draw here ? Does Pattaya have the nicest beaches in all of Thailand? I don't think so. Is it the night life? maybe. Is there that many sex tourist that would spend that kind of money to own a second home?Lets face it sex is the # 1 draw to that area. Are there really that many people who want to retire in Pattata and could afford to do so in such an expensive development? I would guess most that buy are not retired.There are so many issues here I wounder how this would really work out. With developers trying to draw the Ellette upper class to this area would they really be happy here? The beaches are nice but are also small and are not from what I can see maintained them very well. They have spent money to fix them up but then they just leave them to fall apart. (open or broken storm drain lids that many can fall in for example). Can it handle such a population boom? Traffic is bad enough now what will it be like once all these building are done? From what I see crime is on a rise and the police are being accused of corruption and seem to not be doing a antiquate job. Does Pattaya have a construction inspector?Seems to me so many construction jobs are being started and allot fail to be finished all over the place (side walks, building, parks etc.) To me Pattaya falls short in ares like city services like garbage collection, street cleaning, wild dogs and beach and park maintenance to name a few. Is all this a Rodeo Dr like they say in the article or will it just be confined to that building.With Pattaya being they way it is now will all these upper class farangs want to buy there and be satisfied with they way Pattaya is. The good news is this will open up allot of jobs for the Thai people with plenty of money to be maid and allot of business opportunity there also.To me this is a make or break type of project if all goes well you can forget the cheap days of living in Pattaya because the prices for everything will be going up dramatically and those on a fixed budget for retirement will be hard pressed. This also could be a huge flop like the Jontiem complex was 10 yrs ago (but just now is recovering). I don't know to me this is a very interesting issue and will surly change Pattaya as we know it for better or worse. With all this said I love Pattaya and in no way am I trying to downgrade it I'm just wondering how this will change it and if the upper class will love it for what is it as well.