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There are two post-modern prophets that foresaw this coming. They saw the end of Church-ianity as a good thing. They are S├Г┬╕ren Kierkegaard and Dietrick Bonhoeffer.

S├Г┬╕ren Kierkegaard wrote "Attack On Christendom" in which he celebrated Christendom's decline! He longed for the day when Christians would simply be "followers of Jesus." He felt that "being Christian" merely because one was born in a so-called Christian nation and was even baptized by the church was not good enough. In fact, he saw this as the end of Christianity. "When everybody is a Christian, nobody is a Christian." Such people are only "playing Christianity." Kierkegaard was no lover of Church-ianity. He was, however, a lover of Jesus. He believed that in order to be a follower of Jesus, one needs to take a leap of faith. (His idea of the Leap of Faith was picked up by two recent films: Vanilla Sky and Kate and Leopold)

Dietrick Bonhoeffer, was a true prophet of our day. Like most prophets he was killed for his faith. It was Adolph Hitler and his murderous Nazis who assassinated Bonhoeffer by hanging. Bonhoeffer saw the futility of the modern era and how irrelevant the modern church was. Bonhoeffer welcomed secularization because it was "a clearing of the decks for the God of the Bible." He prophesied of a time when a viable form of Christianity would emerge. "A religionless Christianity." Can you imagine that? A Christianity free of religion. Wow! He saw a time when lovers of Jesus would speak without "religious jargon" and would effectively speak "in a secular fashion about God."

This represents what I believe to be the basics of my faith, a time when people like me will abandon the church its liturgy and traditions and devoid of religious jargon, we enter a new age where the God of the universe can finally and openly speak to all. The church was and is a perversion of the real god of the universe