This might not be the hottest topic on the board at the moment but I think it deserves some consideration, especially for those who haven't experienced it.

I followed the advice of my MD when I came to Thailand. i.e. drink only bottled water, avoid anything washed in tap water like salads, eat well cooked meats, etc.

I just finished a 10 day treatment on some nasty antibiotic that made me feel only semi-psychotic after four days not to mention the other undesirable side effects. I remember a similar trip to Acapulco at the turn of the millennium that net the same result, stomach parasites and treatment with the same antibiotic, Metronidizole, which I was told has the least bothersome side effects.

I kind of suspected that something was up, but my MD assured me I had some virus that would go away. After five months, I decided to get a second opinion from another Dr. who actually took the extra 10 seconds to write up a lab request and sent me off for some tests. A week later I was told I has some tropical amoeba living in my stomach which I probably picked up from contaminated food/water or maybe even that boy who sat on my face. :love8:

The type I had there are two strains, one that mostly inhabits the digestive tract, the second more invasive and serious, spreads to other organs and penetrates the tissue wall.

In your experiences, what is safe to consume and what is not?

Is there a definitive guide somewhere on what's safe, what to avoid and what's borderline?

I recall reading that the tap water in Bangkok had improved but not to drink it. If I happened get some in my mouth while showering or accidentally forgot and rinsed with it after brushing, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Street food stalls?

Ice cubes (Pattaya Bar) - (stupid but was drunk and had a couple drinks at a Thai bar one night)

I walked down a side street around MBK and noticed that a few people had their carports converted into giant freezers and make and crush on the spot for restaurants and bars. Now that I recall seeing that, it can't be a very controlled and sanitary environment.

Most of the time I ate in restaurants, and actually come to thing of it I had ice tea/ice coffee a few times at the Bug and Bee?