Alan Turing was a bright British boy, and, as became apparent over the years, completely attracted to other boys.

Alan Turing was so bright that he wound up heading a major British cryptanalysis project, during WW II.

When the war was over, a lot of people gave major credit to Alan Turing, for helping to rescue Britain from the Nazis.

And then he began to be persecuted for his homosexuality.

This is a moment in time which I am unable to forget. Turing bravely stepped forth, and helped his country to win the war with Nazi Germany and its Enigma machines. While doing this, he helped to invent the modern computer.

But Alan Turing made some fatal mistakes (fatal in the Britain of the 1950's). He picked up a boy, and the boy robbed him, so, naif that he was, he called the police. The English police instead arrested HIM.

He was subected to "merciful treatment" -- that would be, submitting to massive injections of estrogen (female hormones). Towards the end of his short life, he confided to friends, "I'm growing breasts!!"

He finally squirted a fatal poison (cyanide) into an orange and ate the orange.

Oh see what Britain will do for its war heroes.