There has been a lot of bad publicity here re clubs and tabletop dancing bars, which includes a description of what services are provided and what girls earn for private dancing with no sex

The Krazy concept, could it be taken further ?A private room with a reduced off fee and tip for the boy. In Montreal they charge $US10 per [music] number for a private massage. $30 for 3 numbers maximum of 9 minutes

Say 100 baht to rent the room for 15 minutes and 300 baht tip, not everyones cup of tea but for those who cannot take a boy back to their hotel a possibility. We have all seen that boy you are keen on, but dont want to off .

A friend of mine last night at the rice queens bar, said he liked the idea of a shower with the boy, in private of course.

In Prague one bar has all the boys come on naked and dance to the Boys Boys Boys number, then each boy selects from the audience someone to dance with them. Maybe on the hour Krazy can ring a bell and the boys select a farang to dance with

Well it is a start maybe someone can take it further