Last weeekend seemed quite quiet in Pattaya, there were only 5 shootings while I was there.

1. Motor Cyclist was shot near the Overpass to Bali Hai Pier. The driver claimed that they tried to perform a U turn to avoid Police and attempted to return to Pattays 3rd Road. They were intercepted by plain clothes police and the passenger was shot in the leg! He said the police did it. Police denied any shoits fired and said other youths did it.The case was dropped due to his injuries and lack of evidence....

2. Professional Thailand Jet Ski Champion Asssinated. Driving his car he was assinated by riders on a Moror Bike. Looks like a Professional assination.. right outside the guys house.

3. Few weeeks before.. 3 Lads shot on the back of a Pick Up Truck. All injured and taken to Pattaya Hospital.. Internal fight..

Have a nice weekend in Pattaya!!