Quote Originally Posted by thrillbill
What I understand about the Netherlands... they accept "refugees" with open arms...maybe you can make up a story saying your Laos boyfriend is a political refuge of Laos or he's gay, so he isn't accepted in communist Laos... (or maybe he should say he's Arab and be accepted there as a refugee :bounce: )
Not anymore, and that's putting it mildly. No bullshit story opportunity I'm afraid. It's not the end of the world either, will be in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia together with him in about 6 weeks, and he will be back here in October already (you can only re-enter the Netherlands on a schengen visa 180 days after first arrival).

As for me living in Laos, that's not going to work, I have a good job here, which for obvious reasons I don't want to give up. And for my boyfriend, job opportunities in the Netherlands are also looking far better then back in Laos. He basically can start the day he arrives here. His boss is very satisfied with the work he has done, and has offered him employment already