The safe sex message.

I came back from a one month visit to Thailand last week and it was mostly what i would describe as a normal visit..nothing out of the ordinary .. i had a few partners on my travels in Bangkok, Pattaya and other places. But the one thing which stood out on this visit was the amount of boys who did not even mention the need for a condom when having sex.

I am a top, and so i always have condoms with me.. i take durex from uk as i'm sure of the quality and they have more comfortable sizes for me. So there was never any doubt or problem with using condoms.. but only two boys asked about condoms prior to the act. And even one of them was prepared to have sex on the second occasion without.. when i asked why... he said he knew me so therefore he trusted i was ok.. but he was also a little drunk.

When you are a little intoxicated it is very tempting not to bother with condoms especially in the heat of the moment.. but as far as i am concerned it is not worth the small inconvenience of slowing down proceedings to fit one as opposed to the possible consequences of not having one. Also for me i like the durex play lube called 'tingle' which gives a good sensation even with condoms... so when i use this it is no problem to fit a condom at the same time.

I am a top and the boys i were with were mostly gay bottom.. but i did go with boys who you would describe as 'men'[versatile] and it was only these two who asked for condom.

It is not only the h.i.v. consideration i am concerned about.. but more the common stds that can flourish without safe sex..

I feel the bars really need to keep the message at the forefront...... most bars i went to did have information and warnings about not using condoms on posters in the toilets.. and even on the beer bottle holders.. but you can't help but think the messages disappear into the background after a while..

There needs to be on going awareness... to keep the message in vogue.. i'm not sure the best way to get the message across but scare-mongering sometimes seems to work.

I know it is the responsibility of each person who engages in sex to be protected.. but the reality is different.. i still find many boys from the country areas are ignorant of the importance.. more especially boys new to the trade.. you would expect the bar owners and mama-sans to have pushed the message across to these workers.. but the purveyors in the sex trade don't want to dwell on the negatives.. many [not all] simply don't care about the boys welfare.. and try to paint as rosy a picture about the work as possible to keep attracting new boys to the bars.. and of course keep the profits going.

I'm not sure if i was simply unlucky (or lucky as some farangs/customers who have the same attitude as some of the boys would think) in my choices of boys prepared to have sex without condoms or are others finding the same 'couldn't care less' attitude as i did? and that the general trend is towards unsafe sex..for whatever reason?

I hope others can give more re-assuring experiences than mine.

I will give some reviews and other thoughts on my visit later for anyone who cares to read.