Quote Originally Posted by Hmmm
" ... The only sense in which one could deem the book's reception to be 'mixed' would be if you included the Thai blog respondents who, almost universally, have not read the book, but simply contend that no farang could possibly understand HMK and that any attempt to do so is, by definition, an insult to the Thai people ... "
I've read (most :blackeye: ) of 'The King Never Smiles', lent to me by a friend (yes Friend in case you're wondering, I still have it safe and sound, in a spot above my bed in Hua Hin, and it will be returned!). It's a good read and by no means completely negative towards the King.

But just on anecdotal evidence, what Hmmm says above is probably spot on. When I tried discussing some of the contents in the book with Suphot (who's hardly shy about criticizing his own country) he gave me a 'look' when he saw the cover and asked me " ... why you read that book? It no good for Thailand ... ". To keep the waters from being sullen ~ and out of respect for his sensibilities ~ I read it when he's out on jobs, and the paper cover (with the King never smiling) is stored away.

Cheers ...