Yesterday I was missing Thailand,so I saw in the classifieds sections of a Sydney paper "Thai male massage ring xxxxx.So i rung it and a thai bloke answered said he was 19 and come see him.Very good looking boy.
Cost was $100. Anyway got talking to him and got him to call my boyfriends in Pattaya and one in particular who i want to come here.
Anyway this thai boy whilst his english is not great,told me he is studying at Sydney University and works from his rented Apartment which he shared with other thai boys.He told me his family in Thailand has money and a company registered and thats how he got a student visa?
Im buying my sydney apartment soon and am financially secure and a secure job,so i cant see because my boy comes from a poor family why he cant come out same as this boy prostitute.
Yesterday i went past a shop in the City and I decided to go ,it was a migration agent and he was a friendly chinese guy,almost too friendly.
He told me could help me bring my friend out and look at the case and i should give him a $800 application fee and then he tells me i have a great chance at this and if i didnt we could go to the appeals tribunal etc but he said no need to go that far as he is shore he could come out here.
But i think he just says that to everyone and takes the $800 application fee,which you dont get refunded if the immigration dept refuse.
I dunno ,maybe i have to see a migration agent in Bangkok.
My friend is 24,semi qualified motor mechanic,english 95 % good,but cant write it.The thai boy prostitute i saw yesterday in Sydney says his parents aranged for him to come here.I read the australian immigration website and i cant understand it so maybe i should contact Kevin,thats the chinese migration agent friendly bloke i saw in Sydney yesterday .His name was Kevin he said,but i can call him Kev,because he said i was his friend.

Anyone know someone they can refer me to in Sydney that they know,maybe another migration agent or Migration lawyer who could assist me in bringing my friend out to Australia.I would rather getting him a student visa so he can work part time than a tourist visa.Maybe i should get him a tourist visa first? Do u think Kev is ok?