There is a thread on Gay Thailand ( by GayButton: ... topic=2643 ) which states that Kevin has been moved to Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok.

Apparently medical facilities there are better than where he was. No confirmation on this, so I guess a 'rumour' at this point, but I have no reason to doubt it, and if Kevin feels his medical situation can be handled better there, then I suppose that's good news under the circumstances.

If you don't know where this place is, here's a good Google photo found on the net with the prison in relation to Don Muang Airport, which we all know.

Got inerested in this and went into GoogleEarth myself and got a decent closeup of the place. A very large and serious-looking hoosegow, surrounded by a moat. Apparently only one succesful escape ... 10 years ago.

Red circle indicates the area of the prison where you will find yourself if you overstay your visa.

Cheers ...