Quote Originally Posted by Wesley
You guys out of all of this have offered no real solutions to the world problems because you like us have no idea how to fix things.
I'm glad you admit you have no idea how to fix things - refreshing and unexpected candour, pity your leaders don't accept that they also have no idea.

America, however, seems to think it does have the answer --- impose American style 'democracy', Christian values and economics on the rest of the world, quite often by overwhelming military force, whether those countries want it or not and whether such a flawed policy is suitable or viable for that country. In so doing it acts as an ideal recruiting sergeant for the terrorists and Islamic radicals and ensures there are even more converts to radical Islam than there would otherwise have been.

Might, and the American way, is not always right!

As for suggesting a solution to the problem - it beats me! So many more intelligent and better-qualified people than me have tried and failed. One thing is certain, the rest of the world will have to accept that they have no answer to the inexorable spread of Islam whilst men, women and children are prepared to sacrifice their lives as martyrs to their cause.