Back in Canada right now for a short few months until returning to Thailand in September.
I miss my dear Suphot very much and must admit this (necessary) sojourn 'home' is doing not all that much besides making me think too much about him, and Thailand. But get over it, eh!!!

Thought you might enjoy a 'different' type of landscape not seen that much in LoS. Looking out my kitchen window yesterday a rainbow blasted through the rainy valley for a few minutes and I'm glad the camera was sitting on the kitchen table in time to capture it.
Not having ever been in Thailand for the rainy season before I'm looking forward to the dark skies and wet-everything monsoonyness of this coming September . . . . but not sure if I'll get the chance (or a camera at hand) to snag a shot as ethereal as this one right on my doorstep.

(This shot was 'panorama-erd' (good ol' Irfanview) from two-shots-a-panning, and then spliced together. But they work well, in my opinion).

Cheers ...