The well read and respected forum
RE: Teaching English in Thailand... has issued this important information:

Teaching English in Thailand :

What you will (probably) need to be or need to have
in order to become a legal teacher in 2009

With the help of one of Bangkok's top teacher recruiters and a few contacts
at the Thailand Ministry of Education and The Teacher's Council of Thailand, has come up with the following information regarding what will be
involved if you want to teach legally in Thailand as of mid-May 2009 (
the start of the next academic year).

Please be aware that this information is correct as of 14th May 2008
and we've deliberately used the word 'probably' in the title -
simply because this is Thailand and overnight changes are part and parcel of life here.

There are THREE types of applicant
and FOUR methods to apply for a teachers' license.

read on...


Along with that new news, ajarn has posted this assessment
of the current teacher situation in Thailand:

Phil's Front Page Comment 14th May 2008

I had dinner with a Bangkok teacher recruiter last night and he confirmed
what I pretty much knew already. The number of people wanting to teach
English in Thailand and specifically teach English in Bangkok are way down
on this time last year.

Obviously he could only come at this from the angle of how many applications
he's received over the past six years but he feels it could be as much as 50% down.

It's certainly a teachers' market out there!

New monthly column from Teacher Recruiter Jason Alavi:

"Hello and thanks for taking the time to pop in! My name is Jason Alavi.
I'd like to give you a little background about myself so you know why Phil
has so graciously allowed me to write this column.

I have my own private English school in Rangsit, Pathumthani.

My main line of work is providing and managing foreign teachers
for several schools in Pathumthani province (just Northeast of Bangkok)
and the neighboring areas.

I have been doing this for six years, so I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly ..
Current teaching positions openings in Thailand:


A good resource of information for those seeking
to teach in Thailand...or are currently teaching.

Thanks for sharing :-)