Well rumors are flying now aren't they? Tom the great manager is now gone. I hear that the owners have mentioned that Manhattans is too expensive a place, and too gay (???). This is NOT coming from Tom. Rumor has it that owners and manager saw disagreement on the fact that there were too many male gay employees, too many gay clientele and not enough straight customers. Rumor continues that Manhattans owners have something to do with a few other restaurants in Pattaya and want to turn it into a type of "Hooters" restaurant. For those of you who do not know it, this is a chain of restaurants with big busted sexy women.

I decided to go there myself and see what I could see as I thought the restaurant was fabulous the way it was and enjoyed going there on many occasions. Steve, one of the owners said that Tom's leaving was "sudden" and "unplanned". Yes, I believe it was unplanned for Tom. He said there were no immediate plans to change anything. I thought his use of the word immediate was unsettling.

Bar seemed to be the same. Free Hor dourves the same. Off to dinner.
Staff was unusually disorientated. Appetizers took a very long time. We timed it from the time they took the appetizer plates to the time the main courses came out.....27 MINUTES!! That would have never gone over with Tom!
I found the appetizer portions less than usual and somewhat not as tasty.

Main entrees. I had my usual dish of lamb. They have always been fabulous and big. I found my lamb chops to be HALF the size as usual and HALF as thick!!!! My boys ordered Thai and took two tastes and pushed their plates away!!! They have always sat with me in Manhattan and while it was never their FAVORITE place, never pushed it away!!

I was with two other Falang and they were not happy either and they have eaten there before also.
I looked around and maybe it was my imagination but I thought there were a lot more male/female couples. It was a Friday night and the place at 8:30 was less than 1/2 full and I have always known it to be almost impossible to get a table on a weekend at this time.

I know the main reason that I want to pass this on is that I have never put up with.... TOO GAY. I think that the community should respond with crossing Manhattan off their list! Gay people do not need to spend their money where they feel they need to STRAIGHTEN IT UP A BIT. The other reason is obviously they have their reputation and now they want to cut quality, value and portions and that doesn't sit well with me either.
I wonder if Tom saw these two things they wanted to change and had words and was terminated.
Can't reach him so I don't know for certain.

Bye Bye Manhattans. It was nice while it lasted!
