My friend Ruddi recently came to Pattaya for the first time and I was happy to show him around especially to see the bars and he generally enjoyed that part of his visit a lot. Ruddi is very cute and blue eyed in his mid 20's, so can imagine he got a lot of attention whenever he went . I had not been to a bar called A*** B*** before but when we were there the farang manager or owner who introduced himself as Jorge or Porge or something like that was very friendly especially to Ruddi. In fact it got embarassing since this person is not Ruddi's type and also reeked of cigerette smoke.
After my friend took a boy off but later that night I got a call from Ruddi very upset as he told me the boy got a red rash infection all around his private area. The boy explained to Ruddi that he had recently acquired the rash since the owner of the bar where the boy worked insisted the boy fuck him if he wanted to get his monthly pay and so the boy had no choice.
The boy also said all the dancers who worked at the bar detested and feared the owner.
Anyhow I understand the boy was going to a pharmacy to try and get something to rid himself of the infection.
This was a bad experience for my friend so I wish some of these people who own or run bars would be more careful as their behaviour gives Pattaya a bad reputation.