Ok... I offed a boy a while ago and when taking him back to my hotel something strange happened.

My hotel has different buildings. With my building you can sort of walk around and get to your room without passing reception..but you pass a security guard at the entrance to the building. Normally after midnight there's no security guard there, but on this particular night, there was.

Damn, I didn't want to pay the "extra bed" fee. But when the guard saw I was with someone he asked me for my room number and keycard... I assume it was so he could charge the "extra bed fee" to my room.

Then he asked my boy for his ID... I've heard this is standard practice (but have never seen it done before). The boy suddenly look worried and said something to the guard in Thai. Then he translated to me that he'd left his ID back at the bar. I thought he would probably have to walk back to the bar to get the ID, seeing as it was required. No big deal... the bar was only 5 minutes walk away.

But then the boy and the guard had a short exhange of words.

The boy turned to me and.. in broken English said that I should give some money to the guard. He was very apologetic.

I asked him how much I should give the guard and, looking worried, he mumbled something along the lines of ... "I don't know... one time I left ID card at bar so customer give them money so is ok..... so sorry"....

I wasn't sure, but I thought I should save the boy having to walk back to the bar, so I pulled out my wallet and gave the guard 200baht. He accepted and nodded us past. The boy apologised again.

So can anyone tell me what that was about???

I really don't know if something dodgy was going on here... but here are some other factors to take into account:

- When I checked out of the hotel, I wasn't charged for the "extra bed"... even though when I checked in they clearly told me that they charge for having an extra person in the room... so does this mean the bribe was for the guard not to tell the hotel manager about the "extra bed charge" to my room?...

- The next morning, when I remembered this incident, I thought it might be that the boy was underage, and didn't want to show his ID card. Otherwise why would he not have his ID card with him? Isn't that something you must always carry around? Like a drivers license? And wouldn't he expect hotel staff to normally ask for it?

Having thought that, I don't think he's underage. He's young, but he doesn't look under 18 (when I asked him, he told me he's 19)... also he works at My Way (Phuket) which is meant to be a reputable establishment (whatever that means)... the man who owns My Way owns 5 or 6 other places in Phuket... surely he wouldn't employ underaged boys?

Only one other thing makes me suspicious.... the 1st time I offed him he said he was 19. The 2nd time I offed him, was when I returned to Thailand, over a year later (this is when this incident happened). I asked him how old he was, and he again said he was 19! Surely he must've turned 20 within a year of being 19 !!??

I asked him about this, and he looked confused... When I asked him when his birthday was, he smiled and looked confused.

Anyway... he's almost the only boy I've ever offed... so does anyone know what might be the story behind all this?

Was the guard just taking the bribe in return for not telling the hotel about the "extra bed charge" or did he think the boy wasn't 18 and wanted a bribe for that?

I really don't think the boy was under 18.... but can't really prove that. I think I'll ask to see his ID next time I'm there.

P.S. the boy was amazing, incredible... really passionate and probably the best sex I've ever had. That's why I offed him when I came back. Really sweet personality as well... kind of different, from the other boys, shy. When I finally offed him on my last night (this was the 2nd trip I had offed him) he still recognised me from the year before and was upset that I had come into the bar a few nights before without talking to him

I said I hadn't seen him (he always dances at the back.. and the bar is too dark) and asked him why he hadn't come over to talk to me, and he said that he'd wanted to, but he saw me saying "no" to a lot of the boys and captains who had came up to me, so he was scared I'd say "no" to him.