Ok...it's that time of year again...so MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my maniac friends.

Sometimes I wonder what's happened to me over the past 10 years. I used to love Christmas. The inevitable snowfall that opened the doors for skating, sledding and throwing well-packed snowballs at Mr. Fingers house. The chance to see our favorite neighborhood hobo's dressed for a change as they stagger proudly from corner to corner wearing droopy Salvation Army uniforms - watching my father decorate the house wearing his faded blue jeans and classic Moody Blues t-shirt, the clanging of the of the church bells which dampen the sounds of the traffic on Halsted Street, and of course, the pure joy of huddling around the Christmas Tree with the family at this very special time.

Unfortunately, for me, much has changed. The snow is nothing but a pain in the ass and the last thing I want to do is run up and down a hill freezing my ass off just for the opportunity to kill myself on a fu*king sled. Mr. Finger is dead. Those damn church bells just remind me of how much money this little fiasco is going to cost me, and the last thing I want to do is sit around a tree having a bunch of kids bouncing on my balls as they rub their snot on my shirt sleeve.. Bah Humbug!

I just want this so-called Holiday Season to end as fast as it started.

Click on the link below to hear what a bunch of gay guys do to a Christmas song:
