Bars like shooting stars blaze and then fade? A personal view - my particular favourites over the years.

In over 10 years of visiting and living in Thailand I have seen bars come and go. Occasionally a place outshines all the competition for a period before it fades.

There are exceptions which shine continuously over decades

Boyz Boyz Boyz, Pattaya, continues to pack it's seats and despite massive increases in the numbers of competitors. Jim's guiding hand keeps the place efficiently run and the late night show has many admirers. It can 't be easy to maintain the best looking boys in town award but this bar had a large number of guys and of late has recruited a lot of attractive new guys.

Tawan Bar, Bangkok. The owner keeps a close eye on the place and for admirers of athletic and muscular guys there is nowhere in the world with this variety. The shows are very explicit and the owner insists on having katoey shows - why? Still the place is usually one of the busiest bars in the city despite the highest prices.


I do like showbars they seem to have a low survival rate

Icon Showbar Pattaya was terrific. I was there is the early days when it was men dancers only and choreographed by, the very talented but impossible to work with, Mr Tom. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The shows were terrific and the place well hosted and service superb. Frankly it was far too cheap but I don't remember complaining. William and David ran the place and continued for many years delighting us with many shows and special events both in Pattaya and for a time Bangkok also. It is sadly missed. They refused to offer go-go offs which I respect but perhaps if they had they might be still around.

photo Boxer

X- treme Bar Bangkok This was started by Mr Tom with a small group of superb dancers and was really great. Not long after control was taken over by a charming English guy ( sorry his name escapes me) and the shows continued to be X-cellent. For me the only downer was that the go-go boys were all rather effeminate. The place ran for a few years and is now missed very much.

Jupiter Mr Perfect Body 2007

Jupiter 2002, Bangkok What a transformation when this place moved. It had been a traditional night club style with red plush and gilt with routine shows. In 2002 it moved to a glamorous new premises nearby - all glass, stainless steel, two stories high and a brilliant sound system and an energetic dancing guy format. The performance standards have varied but at it's peak it was stunning - currently on a bit of a low but it's the only place of it's kind in Bangkok.

Circle Pub good Lay

Circle Pub, Chiang Mai This bar has varied over the years but I find always worth a visit. The shows are different and amusing and they have a very nice bunch of boys. It is always packed at weekends, mostly by Asian customers.

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Whatever people say about comfort, sound systems, drink, prices, off prices, shows, service etc. these places really shine when they have a lot of attractive guys there and ideally a range to suit all tastes.

Dream Boys Barbiery, Bangkok This used be the leading bar in Bangkok by quite a long chalk. The shows were amusing and the guys there were glorious. Sometimes it looked like a Versace fashion show with mostly athletic bodies. I can remember, on occasions, thinking "there is not a guy here that I would not welcome to my bed". Ownership changed and competition increased. I still visit it occasionally and enjoy.

Blue Star doorman

Blue Star, Bangkok This place had a huge staff and they paraded the guys in three batches, smaller, medium and large. They had innovative shows and for a time it was Bangkok's leading bar. Ownership changed and the place faded away and eventually closed.

Future Boyz competition - taken minutes before a Police raid

Future Boyz, Bangkok Used to have over 160 boyz working on the weekend and quite a few of those were superstars. The shows were not very original but when performed by beauties kept the packed houses happy. It now seems to be slowly fading away.

Funny Boys 2, Pattaya When this place opened the word went around town like wildfire. it had all new guys and they were very handsome. The place was packed virtually immediately. I remember a rather strict Mamasan and you were not allowed to talk to a boy unless you bought him a drink. The novelty could not last. Eventually it changed hands and is now a comfortable popular bar.

Wild West, Pattaya At first a tiny bar with quite a number of attractive guys and a very original show. They are terrific at promoting the place and there were always boys in cowboy gear - waistcoats open to show off six-packs, and bits of the show performed in the street. It was deservedly successful and earlier this year moved to larger premises and opened to acclaim with good shows and a number of very attractive bodybuilders. They opened another bar, Crystal, exclusively for the bodybuilders - perhaps a mistake. Summer 2007 was lean times and both have faded a bit.

What will be the next Star Bar?