My boyfriend returned home today after his longest stay in hospital for a long time. He was on an intravenous drip for three days and was very ill indeed. As I feared it was meningitis again which flared up as his CD4 count suddenly plummeted. His viral load is way up so not good news.

But the meningitis is under control and he's had permission from his doctor to go home. On previous occasions he's discharged himself but this time he was in no condition to and the doctor made it very clear to him that he was so seriously ill that he wouldn't survive without the treatment he was having. Even an appearance by a ghost failed to scare him into going home this time. According to my boyfriend the hospital is full of ghosts which scare him terribly. There's no point me trying to dissuade him as it's part of who he is and I wouldn't change him for the world. The temptation to say "Don't be silly" is sometimes overpowering but what's "silly" to me is totally real to him.

There's no clear explanation at the moment why his CD4 count has dropped after a equally dramatic rise a few weeks ago.

As before the treatment he's had has saved his life and I can't praise his doctor enough.

As for my boyfriend he's bounced back with his usual resilience and charmed everyone, as he always does, and ended up having a meal out with his doctor.

Only just over a month until I'm back in Thailand and, hopefully, Cambodia depending on how well my boyfriend is.