Cat has said it all nothing more anyone can add except If you do happen to speak to him one more time tell him " I'm sorry all my money is tied up in cash"

Having said that don't feel bad we have all been fools, been there done that. A friend of mine who lives in Pattaya has a housekeeper who showed me a book she had bought in the store that contained hundreds of text messages to send your farang. It's fully translated and with paragraphs of advise on which one to send at which stage of the relationship.

I broke a relationship with a Thai boy for many of the same reasons and one day a year or so on in a weak moment called him just to say hello. Oh he was so pleased to hear my voice and all that shit. Next day I got a text "please call me" I called,and guess what? HE WANTED MONEY And wait for this, he had pawned all the gifts his latest farang had given him and the farang was arriving the next week and he needed to get them out of hock. 10 points for trying but goodbye was the last word I said to him.