I am not a driver, and don't intend to avail myself of a motor cycle, as i want to live a few more years. Although i have been very lucky so far in having been driven around a fair bit, i also don't intend to become a burden.

The travel bug is constantly with me, and i would like to visit other parts of Thailand as time goes by. Therefore i would have to make use of the Public Transport System in order to get around.

My question is, are trains and buses an efficient way to get around to visit other parts of the country? is the train system more extensive than the bus system? I suppose it all depends on where i want to go. Personally i love train travel, but have yet to see a Thai train. i really don't mind bus travel, although i would assume journeys that way take longer.

Does anyone have experience of using long distance public transport? I suppose i could go to the train and bus stations myself to find out the details, but then i'm a lazy bastard. Even so, a personal view would be helpful.

OK it's more than one question.

Oh yes, before anyone asks, George has given me his views..LOL

-- TC