I am looking for a place to stay on my return trip to Pattaya. I am already booked at Room-Club on the beach but I want to try a different place once I fly back from Chiangmai.

I see on Dragoncastle there is a one bedroom condo on rent at View Talay. I also looked at the Flamingo but it looked like their room rates went up and I have not heard about them upgrading the place so I gave them a pass.

Can anyone suggest a hotel that is gay friendly but not gay? Close to the action but not a part of the action? It would be nice if the place were accepting of a small group of guys... but it is not required.

Also, I tried Howards and liked it but with the host guys sitting around, my friends would not feel comfortable passing them due to the worry of gossip they may create. (Some of my friends are in the closet).

Thanks guys!

I almost have all my hotels booked! After this it only leaves Phuket to book for....