Quote Originally Posted by puckered_penguin

I think that pedophilia is usually used in instances related to pre-pubescent children and post-pubescent and before legally defined adulthood is defined as pederast. (excuse my poor grammar)

I am not sure if there is a category for sex-tourists and sexpats who play around with people more or nearly 1/2 their age.

I think many people are attracted to young Thais because they exude an innocence of a 15 year old and have bodies that look child-like even though they may be 18 or 25 years old.

Would you agree buaseng?
You can play around with semantics all you like - pedophile? or pederast? - they both concern sexual activity with under-age people. The fact remains that this guy came to Thailand looking for sex with under-age kids knowing full well of the consequences if he was caught.

The age difference should not matter one iota as long as the younger person is of legal age, unless of course you are supporter of age discrimination.

I do not agree with your point about being attracted to Thais because they exude innocence and have young bodies - although it might well apply to the closet pedos (of all nationalities) who frequent the gay scene in Thailand.

The main attraction for me to Thai boys (my preference is in the age range 20 to 25) is their attitude to life and their total lack of inhibition or hang-ups on sexual matters. The latter is a pleasant change from the neuroses displayed by modern youth in Britain today especially to anyone over the age of 30 (and even that age is far too old for many of them!).