We went to opening night at the Esplanade in Bangkok. A pretty good attendance of mostly youngish Thai males. It's basically the Thai urban version of Broakback Mountain with more melodrama and lots of guns and shooting.

The central character is a hit man taking care of his mother and brother who have Aids. He falls in love with a married man that he was suppose to to kill. They hide out together on a roof top with a nice view of the sky train and make love in the rain. They both have issues with being gay and work out them over time and some typical Thai shoot-em-up scenes and kick ass.

The photography was excellent, the movie was well made technically. Very nice views of Bangkok. For a change, a Thai movie portraying gays as men and not flamboyant stereotypes should be applauded. It lags at times and gets typically overly dramatic (sad) but overall I enjoyed the movie. I recommend it.