This is it, boys and girls! The blog you have been waiting for!

The Muther Board is here!

We welcome all libelers, blackmailers, defamationists, spammers, Hedda Haters, Gaybutton bashers, Smiles & 'Spike smiters, Botting baiters, Niddy's Nook nay-sayers, Colonel castigators, Monty mockers, Geenyus loathers...why, even lese majeste-ers (gasp!) will get their uncensored say on the Muther Board!

If you decry the demise of the Bitch Board, wouldn't touch Gaybutton with a 10-foot pole (and why should you?), or shy away from the Bog now that Hedda has been forced into hyper moderation mode...why not try the Muther Board?

So come on! Give a bad review of a restaurant (a no-no on Gaybutton), shout out someone's real name (on the Bog? Nice try, dear!), advertise a special on salmonella-spiked bangers and mash at your slapped together snack bar, Hydra post to your heart's content...even threaten someone's life! No one will touch a single word of your thoughts on the Muther Board, no matter how profane, hateful, mocking, illegal, or untruthful.

Try it, you'll like it. See you there!
