Special Thanks Maisie Trollette and the Throb/Splash Showbar Dancers
for your Charity Show at Throb Friday night June 15th...

As reported on Gay Affairs in Pattaya...


Raising 117,000 baht for local Pattaya Charity "Thais4Life"...
70,000 of which was raised by Maisie from show donations
received for Thais4Life in England - during Maisie's shows in England.

"Maisie explained that whilst working in England audiences had donated money
to give to Thais4Life here in Pattaya...

So at the end of the show she presented to David from Thais4Life
a cheque for 70,000 baht together with cash"

Another great tribute to Maisie's ability to entertain and raise much needed
funds for worthwhile charity such as Thais4Life from England in in Thailand.

Here are great photos from the Charity Night at the Throb Club...
courtesy of Printer Graham of Thais4Life and the PG Weekly report.

http://www.gayaffairspattaya.com/INDEX/throb150607.htm .

During the show members of the audience gave money to Maisie for Thais4Life.

Also present was Oogleman from GayTingTong.com who donated 5,000 baht from forum members Bi4Thai and TomFin.

Other donations came from Mike from the USA, Steve and Jim of BoyzBoyzBoyz.

It was a fantastic night which raised well over 117,000 baht for Thais4Life.

Thank you.


Great work Maisie, Throb/Splash Showbar, Oogleman, Mike, Steve,
Jim of BoyzBoyzBoyz, Printer Graham, David of Oscars Bar, and all the others
who gave so generously to and support the Thais4Life Charity.

Congratulations for a job and show well done!

For more information about Thais4Life and how you may help
with your donations of books and cd's, dvd's....to the Thais4Life Charity Bookshop
please visit their website at:

