Quote Originally Posted by Bob T
Once again the American people (Republicans, Democrats, Independents) are faced with voting for the least objectionable shit-for-brains politican.
Unfortunately, so true. Out of of 300,000,000+ citizens, you'd think we'd be able to come up with an intelligent candidate or two whose souls weren't owned by some interest group. But, alas, no. I'm getting to think that every politician in the world is shit-for-brains (I mean, heck, there's got to be a good one somewhere but at the moment I can't think of one).

As for Al Gore, a boring bag of wind as far as I'm concerned. I might vote for him as the head librarian but I wouldn't be enthusiastic about him being my leader.

As for me, at the moment I'd vote for Obama. Why? He's obviously intelligent, has a lot of charisma, and I don't know enough about him yet to dislike or distrust him.