Citizens of Finland, Denmark and the United States have the greatest freedom to travel without visas, according to a study by the Swiss firm Henley & Partners AG.

Thais rank way down the list of citizens able to visit countries without visas. Finns, Danes and Americans can go to 130 countries without a visa - Thais can go to just 29.

Singaporeans can go to 122 different countries without visas, and Malaysians can visit 120.

Even Saudi Arabians can go to two more countries than Thai citizens. Below Thais on the list are Iranians, Iraqis, Chinese and, at the bottom, Afghanis, who can go to just 12 countries without a visa.

Here is the list of main countries and the number of countries which citizens can visit without obtaining visas, compiled by the Swiss firm on its website.

Finland (130)
Denmark (130)
United States (130)
Ireland (129)
Sweden (129)
Germany (129)
United Kingdom (128)
Italy (128)
France (128)
Japan (128)
Spain (127)
Norway (127)
Switzerland (127)
Belgium (127)
Netherlands (126)
Luxembourg (125)
Austria (125)
Canada (125)
New Zealand (125)
Portugal (123)
Singapore (122)
Malaysia (120)
Iceland (120)
Greece (120)
Australia (120)
Liechtenstein (116)
South Korea (115)
Hong Kong (110)
Chile (109)
Israel (104)
Hungary (101)
Argentina (101)
Brazil (99)
Mexico (98)
Croatia (84)
Romania (73)
South Africa (65)
St. Kitts & Nevis (62)
Dominica (52)
Turkey (52)
Taiwan (42)
United Arab Emirates (35)
Russian Federation (35)
Serbia and Montenegro (32)
Saudi Arabia (31)
Thailand (29)
India (25)
Bosnia and Herzegowina (25)
Egypt (24)
Jordan (21)
China (18)
North Korea 18)
Pakistan (17)
Iraq (15)
Iran (14)
Afghanistan (12)


Has anyone got a list of 29 coutries that allow Thais to enter without a visa ?