Over on The Bog of Shame, the false Hedda who hacked in the weekend of 21/22 January and ousted the real Hedda has admitted defeat and says that there'll Real Soon Now be a permanent Out To Lunch sign on the Bog of Shame. Any honorable person would have handed ownership back to the true Hedda (who lives on as a welcome guest on my own Blog - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... g.php?w=21) but as we know the folk now running Hedda's Hopper have no sense of honor. The false Hedda knew the game was up when a post on Monday made a fundamental mistake, confusing the date of Bush's State of the Union address with national Groundhog Day. The countdown to the inevitable closure began at that moment

Cheers! Make mine a treble :drunken: