Two weeks ago mid way through my trip I was admitted to Pattaya/Bangkok Hospital casualty

It was not planned and I arrived in shorts, T shirt no credit card.

I was under pressure to be admitted for 24 hours [overnight] at a cost of 35,000 baht, which I refused

For two days I had bloat, lost interest in eating and drinking.

I started to pass liquid through my bowel almost hourly and started to vomit, even though I was taking in no water of food.

This went for two days yet when admitted to PB hospital, they were only interested in BP, pulse rate, connecting me to a saline drip and doing an ECG No questions as to why I had been admitted.

I was asked repeatedly if I had insurance and how I was going to pay.

Qantas cancelled my FF travel insurance as I had turned 70 I had never used the medical facility in LOS so was not worried. My credit card offered some facility depending on prior medical conditions. I had not received the questionairre before leaving for LOS Still not sure what is covered.

BP Hospital carried on as if they had won the jackpot when they saw my ECG showing I had had a heart attack[1991]

I am heart aware and know my BP and pulse rates and what is normal. It concerned me they were only interested in an intensive care patient rather than treating me for a gastro complaint.

For the last few years I have carried in LOS a Power of Attorney [medical] which hotels have not the faintest idea of when and how to use. I arrived at the hospital without the Power of Attorney

My costs on discharge after just over 2 hours including anti biotics , nausea tablets was 9500 baht.

I know Traveller Jim will critisize me but I thought I knew best. TJ, You are welcome to kick my arse.

just a warning for those who think similar.