You all know I would be the last one to say anything good about this place considering as most of you know the "trouble"I had with the owner of this place on this board with his personal threats.
However I have eaten there and I enjoyed it.My ex BF did not so I went back the 2nd time myself.Yes I liked the hamburgers.The guys they have on their website according to me are quite cute,whether these are the same ones they have now I dont know.
I think its far better to try out a place before you comment and Thaiquila I think you raise good issues but you should try it out and give us a report.

Theres some things you dont know and I will tell you all.As soon as this owner of the place disapointed me with his behaviour I was quite upset he had said those things on this board considering i was a regualar customer that he obviously didnt remember me ,however i think that its best to let bygones be bygones and get behind this place.Nobodys perfect and I really believe that having NIDDYS NOOK around can benefit all of the gay community in the long run.I know the owner of this place called me a few names and wanted to fight etc ,however thats in the past.Sure I would show a bit of caution probaly going there and saying who i am ,maybe take a few bodyguards with me ,maybe i wont go back,however guys give the place a go.
Having gay run businesses benefits us all,and i believe this one can make it.Its a shame some of you guys live in your "groups" or "clicks" and not want any outside interference.And I am ashamed of you LMTU ,really you should be trying places out like this for all of us and giving your unbiased report.Sometimes things said about bars are only rumours..Im saying give gay owned places a go,fair enough if you dont like them,and you actually went there and tried it then tell us about it.Nobodys perfect.Even i have some posters on here such as Singlofty sing who doesnt agree with me that MONTYS BB is a great place.No one can be perfect and liked by everyne.Every business has different tastes.I think try it out and then comment.
I personally and its my personal opinion,found the food good better than Papa Davids if its still there.However I find it extremely offensive for someone to want to meet me in a bar to "see how tough I am" thinking i was a man of a senior age.Thats not good ,what if i had been an elderly man,how would he have took that? Me,It doesnt worry me as i get abused and threatened mostly everyday,however whilst it was like water of a ducks back for me,it could of been different for someone else.Him Making those sort of comments disapointed me because he thought i would get scared,however it happened and its in the past,I have never met the owner personally and probaly dont want to.People threaten me,abuse me every night.However,regardless of my disapointment with the owner that does not stop me from being fair and saying NIDDYS hamburgers were probaly as good as the Ambience cafe.Yes i found the American hamburgers and chips good and tasty.And i went back a 2nd time.
I find the boys on his website,some/most 9 out of 10 and i want to try at least 2 of them.Howeveras I said before I would have to Have a good think if I would actually go there again.But please give NIDDYS a go first before you comment,and let us all see what you think without being nasty.
I know the owner may choose to abuse me again,however i wanted to be fair and also put my opinion in as well.I hope you all go and try it out and post on this board your fair comments.