Update on Gay Pattayan - Surgery set Thurs Feb 1st
- complications from last weeks brain surgery...

Update: Wednesday night January 31st...

A short note to let you know that The Gay Pattayan - Allen - has been admitted to the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital at 6:00pm Wednesday January 31st.

During the past few days it has become apparent that Allen was in stress and his appearance was cause of concern for his friends.

A checkup this Wednesday morning by his Cardiologist ( who implanted his heart pacemaker the first week of Jan 2007) showed that the Pacemaker is fine...he is to return in 6 months for another exam by his Cardiologist.

However, his checkup and scans of GP's brain by his Neurosurgeon revealed "complications" has allowed water to again collect on GP's brain rather than drain as suppose to. He was operated on last week for this same condition - yet the need for another surgery was urgent and therefore, The GP will undergo surgery at 9:00am Thursday Feb 1st at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

As for financial impact of this surgery...from my observations today and review of some of The GP's hospital financial statements and records - it appears approx 200,000 baht in hospital bills (the amount/share The GP owes with his insurance paying the other 90% costs) have already been incurred by The Gay Pattayan.

This surgery set for tomorrow Feb 1st will cost The GP an added 30 - 40,000 baht as his share of the costs. His insurance this afternoon at 5:45pm agreed to pay the 90% of the surgery and hospital stay of Feb 1st.

In my opinion - we need to raise at least 300,000 Thai baht to cover The GP's medical and hospital care costs to date and for this year of 2007.

Please support Allen - The GP by your donation....Thank you!

Allen is resting comfortably in his hospital room on the 13th floor of the new hospital wing.

His bf Ken is with him...thank goodness they have each other to love & care :-) :-)

Our prayers are with our dear friend Allen - Please get well soon.

