The Dormitory Boys from YouTube fame are guaranteed to put a smile on your face in this strange interregnum between Christmas & New Years.

I am feeling tired and rather down today and watching these puckish Chinese boys (now quite famous) belt out some cheap-yet-engaging liposuction every few months always brings me back up and makes me feel younger ... kind of like my beloved (so-far-away, so-far-away ... sighhhhh).

Although these guys are Chinese, they could certainly pass for Thai IMHO. ... -peas.html . . . singing a Black Eyed Peas rap song (I think). Latino accents ... Chinese lips. ... ai_04.html . . . singing a Chinese song (I think), but a lot of it sounds tinged with slow Isaan love song influences and a wee chorus of Chicago gangsta rap and an opening Segovia guitar strum. Some gayer movements in this song ... hide the children.

Hope you can enjoy .... Cheers