Rather than (Being accused of) sidetracking a thread...

Quote Originally Posted by Jingthing
Frankly, it isn't always easy to tell with the borderline ages.
And don't forget lights & makeup. Some apply pancake to look female, others to look as young as possible: because they know there's a market.

Quote Originally Posted by Jingthing
I would have thought Kaos had several, or maybe they were tipped off.
Tipped off?... Or lucky? I think every bar in Pattaya may on any given night or, at least; now & then have under aged 'workers' known, or unbeknown, to owners & management--Not just the ones that flaunt it.
In a typical situation: a boy leaves home for Pattaya. He has a friend, or a friend of a friend, who will help him get fake I.D., a place to stay, and a job at 'his' bar (perhaps) for a 'consideration.' Like to song, 'It's a simple little system' (Fiorello 1959.), fueled, to a greater or lesser extent, by farang\farang money, demand and supply, lust and greed, etc....

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I have to wonder if the (constant) mention (Of chicken bars) on message boards doesn't draw more customers than the number who are persuaded stay away--And I wonder if some of those 'mentions' are the work of those bars themselves. It Pays to Advertise...especially when the advert is FREE.

Comment--dare to differ in opinion--and some flamer, on some crap message board, and today they are ALL* crap, immediately shrieks: "Pedo!"

At the beginning of the gay rights movement; 'Boy Love' groups tried to latch on to the coat tails of gay rights groups. They were generally rejected. It looks like their efforts did not, however; go unnoticed. Now that it seems, the so called 'religious right' find it more and more difficult to attack gay people (Just) for being gay they are making a conscious, concerted effort of associating 'gay' with: sexual predator, child molester, pedophile & pederast. Do gay 'sheep', as it appears, take up the bleat--Or are they, in fact, hetero homophobes who infiltrate gay spaces to spread their bile, bring dissension...seek & (attemp to) destroy gay agoras?

*On another thread, now closed, someone took a swipe at Baht-Stop. It does seem to be a running-bitch-brawl going on between half-a-dozen people posting under two-dozen names--But has anyone taken a look at the amount of vitriol, hate and bigotry posted, lately, on sweet little ol' sawatdee?...Swat Thee? Much of it far exceeds a, "Good-natured jab."

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And as an--It had to happen sooner-or-later--humorous (?) aside: A post was recently started, by the same person, Mr. A, on three boards (Okay, not a big deal.) The (second) post\reply on all three was by the same (Mr. B) person and (third) post\reply, on all three by (Mr. C): same person.