A friend of mine got minor symptoms and so did 2 lateral flow tests. Both positive.
He then went for the PCR test and that was positive too.

The symptoms soon went but he had to stay at home for the mandatory 10 days isolation. As his aged mother was in the house he isolated alone in his bedroom.

After a week he began to think he would follow government advice which is to clean all the hard surfaces to kill the bug. Basically it’s an alcohol mix.

So he got hold of a bottle of something good, swirled it around his mouth, gargled with it, and eventually finished the whole bottle. He went to bed pissed as a rat, but with a very clean throat.

Next day he did the flow tests (down the throat type of test) and passed!

As he had to pass two tests in a row, he repeated the procedure the next day too.

Another pass, but with a hangover!

He is all clear now.