Quote Originally Posted by arsenal View Post

Cultural difference Dodger. We just don't feel that comfortable as house guests. We see you Americans walk into each other's houses and help yourself from the fridge. No British person would ever do that.
LOL...I know, I've seen this before and always scratch my head.

If I invite friends from the U.S. Australia or Ireland over for a visit, my refrigerator is going to be empty by the time they leave. They're worse than the boys. But if I invite one of my British friends over I have to twist his arm to eat a cookie. What gives???

True story: One of my best friends from Wimbledon was over for a visit once and I asked him if he wanted a sweet roll. He replied "yes, thank you". I walked over to the sofa to where he was sitting and handed him one. At first he gave me a puzzled look, and then he went on to tell me that when a sweet roll is presented to a guest in England, it's always served on a small plate or napkin. I laughed and told him we weren't in England - we were in Pattaya Thailand, and if he wanted a napkin he'd have to go to the hung nam and get some tissue. He laughed, but you could tell he really didn't think it was funny.