I wasn't going to reply to Sglad's post (#40) as I did not want to give credence to his lie. But since Armando has commented.....

First of all, I did not edit out the word "raw" from my post. If I did,there would be an automatically generated message at the end of the post stating "Last edited by a447 at (date, time)". As you can see, there is no such note.

Secondly, sglad quoted me in post #36 almost immediately after my OP:

Tor is also a favourite off and I was alerted to his participation in Asian Holes.
and as you can see, the word "raw" does not appear.

It was never there.

As for "incriminating" myself, I did not make the movie, nor did I force any of the guys to bareback. That was entirely their choice.

So no guilt trip for me!