Quote Originally Posted by Nirish guy View Post
One a serious note whilst i'm sure you're right but DO you think on a daily basis that IS the case there and that you are being formally watched or details of your movements / actions are recorded in any way or do you just mean IF you were to carry out some illegal action "someone" would probably report you either morally or to get their own brownie points built up with the powers that be - or is it more organised than that - just out of interest re how things like that work there ? PS I assume you're using a VPN to post here etc too ?
With face recognizing technology and small number of foreigners in China now it is easy for them just follow you by drone non-stop and record all your actions "for future analyse". They will know all your habits, places and routines very soon. After that they will leave watching of you to robots who will alarm human only if some your path will be out of typical routine. Nothing of too much complicated.