As I said a few weeks ago, recording and proving vaccination status will be digital not analogue. The following sets out what IATA is working on. It may not be what’s ultimately required but it shows the direction.

Global airline lobby IATA is working on a mobile app that will help travelers demonstrate their coronavirus-free status, joining a push to introduce so-called 'COVID passports' as vaccines for the disease near approval.

The Travel Pass will display test results together with proof of inoculation, as well as listing national entry rules and details on the nearest labs, the International Air Transport Association said Monday. The app will also link to an electronic copy of the holder’s passport to prove their identity.

A test program will begin with British Airways' parent IAG this year before arriving on Apple devices in the first quarter and Android from April, IATA said.

Travelers will be able to share their status with border authorities or present a QR code for scanning.

The announcement came as Qantas Group CEO and former IATA chairman Alan Joyce said the airline would make vaccination compulsory for passengers on international flights from 2021 through the adoption of a digital "vaccination passport".