Family calls him hero; Nuamthong 'couldn't live with martial law'

Despite wide public speculation about the motive behind Nuam-thong Phaiwan's decision to take his own life in the early hours of yesterday, his family and democracy fighters declared the 60-year-old taxi-driver had died a heroic death.
His grieving wife, Boonchu, appeared to still be in shock and could only mutter a few words after learning about his dramatic death from their neighbours, but managed to announce she is proud of her husband.
"I couldn't be more sad losing the love of my life and the leader of my family. I didn't think he would be this brave, but I'm very proud of him for sacrificing for the country," Boonchu, 51, told reporters.
In fact, Nuamthong survived his first attempt to sacrifice his life for democracy on September 30 when he spray-painted his purple taxi with the words "[coup] destroys the country" and "suicide" before slamming his vehicle into a tank at the Royal Plaza in central Bangkok.
On October 14, just two days after he was dismissed from hospital where he was treated for injuries he received in the crash, he attended the commemoration of the 33rd anniversary of the people's victory in fighting for democracy. Nuamthong told an iTV reporter on that day that he did not want to live under the dictatorial regime any more.
iTV did not release the interview with Nuamthong until after his death yesterday because of martial law. However, the broadcast of the tape was brought to an abrupt end because of a reported phone call from the director of Channel 5, which is owned by the military.
Instead, journalist Jom Petchpradap of iTV said on a late night programme that Nuam-thong called him on Tuesday night asking him to keep the interview tape because the late taxi-driver was preparing to "do something".
Nuamthong had planned a meaningful death by choosing to kill himself during the month of October, which symbolises the Kingdom's two most important pro-democracy uprisings. But he changed his mind about hanging himself in front of the October 14, 1973 Memorial because the place was crowded and he was afraid of intervention.
Nuamthong, however has missed a special day that any proud parent would look forward to: his daughter Sawida, 23, was to have her graduation ceremony on Sunday.
In his farewell letter to the nation, in which the last paragraph addressed his family, Nuamthong asked his wife and children to be proud of him.......... ... 017813.php

Suicide is treated with sensitivity by officials

Taxi driver Nuamthong Phaiwan's suicide in a lone protest against the September 19 coup has become one of the most sensitive political events since the overthrow six weeks ago.

A score of senior police showed up at his funeral at Wat Bua Kwan in Nonthaburi yesterday to "keep the peace" while pro-democracy groups sent representatives and flower wreaths to honour his "heroic" death.
The van carrying his body to the Oct 14, 1973 Memorial on Rajdam-noen Avenue for bathing rituals had to turn around after the chief police officer at Nonthaburi stopped it from going onto the expressway.
"For the sake of keeping the peace, please have his funeral at a temple," Pol Gen Wasant told Nuamthong's wife and pro-democracy activists accompanying the body.
Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said he was saddened by the news but doubted there would be copycat suicide bids.
"We can talk to find ways to solve our problem and explain reasons for the coup," he told reporters.
But former senator and democracy fighter Prateep Ungsongtham Hata believed otherwise.
"Uncle Nuamthong has made the biggest sacrifice for democracy," Prateep declared. "I fought for democracy all my life but don't have the courage to do as much as he did.
"Let me tell you, Nuamthong will inspire a lot more people to fight for the right thing, for the country. He is a tip of the iceberg, of people who are discontented with the coup. They may find their ways to express themselves too if the coup group continue to underestimate the power of the people."
Army spokesman Gen Akara Tipparoj apologised yesterday for the comment he made a month ago that "nobody would hurt themselves for political ideology" after Nuamthong rammed his taxi into a tank at the Royal Plaza on September 30 in protest against the coup.
Nuamthong wrote in his farewell letter that he found Akara's remark an insult and wanted to prove the military general wrong.
"I'll attend his funeral and make merit in his name. What happened was that he might have been too rigid in his ideological belief and did not get a sufficient explanation [about the good side of the coup]," Akara said........ ... 017812.php

CNS worried by Taxi driver's death

Sonthi admits he is concerned, CNS monitoring situation closely,
Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin, leader of the Council for National Security, admitted on Thursday that the death of pro-democracy taxi driver caused the CNS to worry about the political situation
"I worry about the country," Sonthi said when asked if the CNS feared that the death would be cited as a cause to protest against the coup makers.

The man hanged himself on a pedestrian flyover in front of Thai Rath head office late Tuesday night, a month after ramming his taxi into a tank in a protest against the coup.

Sonthi said the CNS was closely monitoring the situation and watching political movements in several provinces as well as checking reports that a protest was planned at Sanam Luang.

The Nation