We could of course play this cross posting nonsense all day long and as you said Latin if you REALLY want to examine the issue “google it” ( properly)..... PS that article published “today” is based on a report that was actually published in 2015 and has been widely debunked now so “old” ( and incorrect) news I’m afraid.

Whilst no one denies making batteries for ALL cars isn’t without its problems environmentally, the key point of course when an ICE car leaves the factory it keeps producing emissions for the rest of its days whereas an EV simply doesn’t, that’s not such a difficult concept to grasp.

Likewise most negative studies ( which are more than often than not funded by oil companies somewhere down the line) base their “facts” on EVs being juiced up by electric produced by coal fired power at stations, whereas in fact upwards of 50% of such power from stations is and can be produced by renewable methods now ( the fact that China so far refuse to embrace that technology fully yet cant really be blamed on EV manufacturers of course), for example only something like 2% of power in the UK now comes from coal burning stations, which again totally kills the argument in that very old “study”.

However as I don’t intend / CBA getting into this conversation on here, which enviably will just go round in circles I’ll leave it with you - except to say no where in any of my posts have “I” promoted any green credentials for either Re myself or for EV cars, that would be you brought that up, that’s not the reason I bought my car and I don’t profess to be anymore “green” than anyone else here - but hey don’t let that stop you trying to troll about that fact eh :-) .

Oh and just to show that anyone can post links to “facts” on the internet ( which of course very rarely are...) here’s a few for you too...

So there you go, it’s really not rocket science - that’s the other company Elon Musk owns I believe ! :/)



