Sorry guys just while I'm reading the above and if I can deviate just for one quick question as I'm sitting here having a mental blank to a question I've just been asked....

My BF's mother ( who lives here n the UK but still has a house and bank accounts etc in the Philippines too) has about 200000 pesos (i.e about £3k STG once changed) in cash lying in the PH's that she wants to give / send on to my BF ( either in cash or transferred to his UK bank account - Monzo perhaps) but for the life of me I can't think how to get in across with SOME change fees , obviously I'm also trying to ignore / avoid the usual western Union / standard bank lodging in / currency change fees route etc - I know I've done same before very cheaply, but damned if I can remember how - anyone any bright ideas ?

Sorry to the OP for this interlude, just when I seen Matt posting about sending money instantly etc that popped into my head - and no Matt, before you suggest it she wont be trying Bitcoin but thanks anyway