Quote Originally Posted by colmx View Post
Caught them on my 4th trip. Somewhere in BKK and had to visit boots in Royal Garden and go through an embarrassing translation rigamarole a week later to get some insecticide!

Still I suppose better than my friend that brought scabies home after a last night visit to DJ station.

He ended up sleeping in a fresh sleeping bag every night for 3 nights and burning his bed covers, mattress and towels to get rid of the buggers!

Top tip: if a boy is busy scratching his crotch, it's not because he can't control his feelings for you... It's cos he had some unwelcome visitors!

2nd top tip. Those boys in Nice boys with the shaved crotches don't shave for our benefit! It's simply a Thai way of getting rid of unwelcome pubic visitors!
I guess I have been extremely lucky over the years. Recently, of course, I have been far more concerned with HIV than crabs.

For those of you visiting the US, check your beds for bedbugs; they have made quite a comeback since we stopped using insecticides such as DDT.